Mario Valenzuela
I was asked about serving on the board of directors and although I heard
of Clinica Sierra Vista (Clinica) through TV and signage, I had no clue
about Clinica's impact in the community and to the underserved. So, I
investigated Clinica and almost instantly knew it would be an honor to serve.
Clinica serves the community, particularly the underserved. It is composed of passionate employees. This passion to serve resonated with me because I have always wanted to help my community from becoming a police cadet for the City of Los Angeles and helping at various community events, whether handing out food baskets to closing down streets for community parades. Now as an immigration attorney, I continue to help underserved populations of immigrants, including military family members, helping individuals living with HIV/AIDS through the AIDS Legal Referral Panel, and by appointment through the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal Pro Bono Panel.
My service on the Clinica board allows me to continue to serve at a whole different level and in a completely different environment. I believe everyone should serve in areas they would have never considered. Serving on the Clinica board, and as the Treasurer, allows me to have a fascinating insight on how best to guide financial resources in the host of services provided by Clinica. Recently, I went out with the Street Medicine crew, led by Dr. Beare, and I can tell you it was a humbling experience that truly expresses the passion of the staff in the service of others. Street Medicine ensures everyone, no matter where they are in life, is treated with dignity. The Street Medicine team underscores the many reasons that serving on the Clinica board is so fulfilling. Clinica's staff is doing God's work!